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Poatina & Western Tiers

Walking Trails

Poatina Walking Tracks Maps 1& 2

Scenic views of the Great Western Tiers, Ben Lomond and rural farm land. Explore a range of habitat  including a bluegum forest, a mountain stream and grasslands. 

Western Tiers Walking Tracks Maps 3 & 4

Tracks in and around Poatina lead directly to state trails on the Tiers and up the Penstock pipeline

Poatina Pipeline Walking Track

Map 5

Poatina - Tasmania's first underground power station - provides a short walking challenge up the pipeline with stunning views of the Esk Valley to Ben Lomond.

Poatina Caves Track & Tasmanian Trail Map 6

The Caves Track is where the Tasmanian Trail climbs to the Central Highlands. 

Billop Bluff & Brady's Lookout Tracks

Maps 7 & 8

Both features are visible from Poatina. Both walks are about 7-9 hours in length. 

World Heritage and Liffey Falls

Map 9 & 10

Visit Liffey Falls for a pleasant stroll through world heritage rainforest, with tree ferns, myrtles and sassafras.

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